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Bio relatori

Francesco Paorici - Direttore Generale AgID


Andrea Sassetti - CEO Aruba PEC SpA


Giovanna De Minico - Docente di Diritto Costituzionale Università degli studi di Napoli - Come cambia l'agire dell'amministrazione con l'algoritmo: Unione europea e Italia

Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Federico II University of Naples, former professor of Information and Communication Law in the same University. Author of 5 books: Antitrust e Consob. Obiettivi e Funzioni (Cedam, 1997); Regole. Comando e Consenso (Giappichelli, 2005, one of the 10 “Best Legal Book of the Year 2005 Award), Internet. Regole e Anarchia (Jovene, 2012) e Costituzione. Emergenza e Terrorismo (Jovene, 2016), Libertà in rete. Libertà dalla rete, Giappichelli, 2022. Author of over 80 essays published in refereed journals, also abroad. These publications address topics relating to: Independent Authorities, Atypical regulatory proceedings; Constitution - Emergency - Terrorism; and finally Fundamental rights in the Internet. Such topics have been examined taking into account of both constitutional law and European relevance. Co-editor of several volumes, among them, the last: Virtual freedom, terrorism and the law, Routledge- Giappichelli, 2021. Visiting professor at London School of Economics (New dimention of privacy and Telecommunication); Visiting professor at University College of London (Atipical regulatory processes and markets) Visiting professor at Max Plack for Innovation and Competition, Munich on “Big data: competition law and privacy”. Consultant on the communication, information and competition issues, charced by Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni. Appointed by the Italian Government as full member of Consiglio Nazionale delle Comunicazioni. Discussant at the Public Hearing, by European Commission, among others, on the “Universal Service Principles in E-Communications”, Brussel, 2010.” Responsible: among others, of several COFIN project, among them, one dedicated to the “Telecommunications and privacy issues; of the Research Project on “Services and applications of
public interest”, awarded by The Communication Authority, and of the Research Unit on “Big data challenge: the effective exercise of fundamental rights and economic and political freedoms”, founded
by the Max Planck for Innovation and Competition. Founder and Director for two mandates of the European Research Centre on Media for E-Society (ERMES) at the Naples University Federico II: www.ermes.unina.it . Coordinator of the International group on “Constitutions at the age of Internet”, established by the International Association of Constitutional Law: www.iacl-aidc.org/en/iacl-research-">http://www.iacl-aidc.org/en/iacl-research-
groups/constitutions-in-the-age-of-the-internet . Appointed by the President of the Chamber of the Deputies as a member of the Parliamentary Committee, charged to draft an “Internet Bill of Rights”.
Appointed by Accademia dei Lincei as “invitato permanente” about regulatory issues connected to Covid 19 emergency since 2020.

Short list of the essays concerning these issues only since 2019
1) Big data e la debole resistenza delle categorie giuridiche. Privacy e Lex mercatoria, in Diritto Pubblico, 1, 2019
(Rivista referata classe A).
2) L’Amministrazione e l’erompere dei Big Data, in Scritti in onore di V. Cerulli Irelli, 2020.
3) Virus e algoritmi. Impariamo da un’esperienza dolorosa, in Micromega, 3 aprile, 2020,
un%e2%80%99esperienza-dolorosa/ .
4) Per una tecnologia amica della Costituzione, in Astrid Rassegna, nov. 2020.
5) Costituzionalizziamo l’emergenza?, in Osservatorio sulle Fonti , fascicolo speciale, 2020 (Rivista referata
classe A).
6) Stato di diritto - Emergenza - Tecnologia, a cura di Giovana De Minico e Massimo Villone, in Consulta
OnLine , Luglio, 2020. Recensione di Paolo Caretti.
7) No a una riforma ingannevole, in Federalismi.it, 25/9/2020.
8) Libertà. Dalla Rete e in Rete, 2020, Giappichelli (Monograpy presented before prof. Marta Cartabia
AGCOM and Autority privacy; and at Sant’Anna di Pisa, September 2021).
9) Towards an “Algorithm Constitutional by Design, in Rivista di BioDiritto, n, 1, 2021 (Rivista referata
classe A).
10) Every Day’s Terrorism, in Virtual Freedoms - Terrorism - The Law, edited by Giovanna De Minico and
Oreste Pollicino, Routledge-Giappichelli, 2021.
11) Il piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza. Una terra promessa, in Costituzionalismo.it. fasc.2, 2021 (Rivista
referata classe A).
12) Internet rules and anarchy. The test of the Algorithms, in Book edited by John Yoo - A. D’Aloia - E.
Raffiotta, published by Berkeley Law School Press University of California, 2021, forthcoming.
13) Autorità Indipendenti e algoritmi: una famiglia disfunzionale, in Osservatorio sulle Fonti, numero
monografico, forthcoming (Rivista referata classe A).



Innocenzo Genna - cofounder Digit@lians